Monday, June 19, 2006

Traffic Surfing- Is it worth it?

Traffic Surfing- Is it worth it?
Copyright © Cary Mason

I thought I might share my experiences with Traffic Surfing or shared exchanges so that you might understand how to successfully spend your time with these types of programs.

1. The first thing I want to point out is: DO NOT save up too many credits. I've had some exchanges decide without notice to close up shop and I've lost thousands of credits that I spent my precious time surfing for. A few days worth of credits is all you need.

2. Make sure you are getting traffic in return for your surfing. Check your daily stats to see that the admin is sending traffic to your site in exchange for your surfing. If you are not getting traffic, email the admin to ask them why. Sometimes they will tell you to upgrade (see point 3) or sometimes they will tell you that your site was not approved yet, but your email will remind them and then you will start to get traffic!

3. DO NOT pay for upgrades in traffic exchanges just to get traffic. If you choose to upgrade to get paid for referrals, that is a different matter, but surf exchanges are designed to give you traffic in exchange for your time and surfing. You should not have to pay for this priveledge!

4. Make sure that you understand the program, so surf exchanges are auto assign and others are manual, meaning you have to log in and assign the traffic credits to your website yourself.

5. Look at how many credits you get in exchange for each site you surf. Different sites have different surf ratios. Some are 1:1 which is really great! Others are 4:1 or 10:1, so you need to determine if they are worth your time!

Here are a list of surf exchange sites that I believe deliver the traffic like they proclaim:

TS25 is my personal favorite because they have 50% autoassign and each time you manually assign credits, they show you a graph of all the hits your site gets until they are all used up. This site delivers hits very quickly!

SmileyTraffic allows you to choose manual or automatic surfing. The site is easy to use and lets you assign your credits as you choose to many different sites.

TrafficSwarm is fun and easy to surf. Their description of how many hits your site has received is a big ambiguous. They also give lots of bonus credits!

Program Hoppers is cool because you only have to look at 5 other sites and then your site will be viewed by 1000's of people in return!

Top Surfer is easy to surf and you can also earn credits by opening emails that you can opt into receiving. Credits are used at a good pace, but details are not provided as to which site they are applied to (if you have more than one site your are advertising).

These sites should give you the traffic you are looking for with good quick returns for your efforts.
If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me at


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